The Goat Shop Goat Supplies & Gift Shop
Bloat Release

Bloat Release

Bloat Release

Other products by AgriLabs

* Discard milk during treatment & for 96 hours afterward
* For use in calves, cattle, sheep and goats
* This product may be suitable for use on organic farms;
please confirm with your certifier before using

Bloat Release for use as an aid in the treatment of frothy bloat in ruminants & as a fecal softener. Each ounce contains 240 mg docusate sodium in a soybean base. Administer as a drench or via stomach tube: Calves, sheep, goats - 6 oz; Cattle - 12 oz. Do not treat within 3 days of slaughter. Discard milk during treatment & for 96 hours afterward.

This product may be suitable for use on organic farms. Please confirm with your certifier before using.

